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Bilibili invited Lao Jiang and me to have a debate. I’m in Beijing and I just got off a shared bike. Thanks for the invitation. My stand is: the Internet bridges the knowledge gap.


Before we start, I would like to ask a question first: Have you learned anything from DannyData’s videos or Lao Jiang’s videos?


Then comes the next question: Where do you watch these videos? The answer is obviously not in the textbooks of middle schools or universities, or in the teaching of parents and teachers, or in the final examinations, but three words: on Bilibili, excurse me, on the Internet.


So today I will talk from three aspects about how the Internet bridges the knowledge gap.



I'm Danny. I talk about tech and cars. Today's video will not follow the usual standard — refute as you wish but refute as Old Jiang wishes.

01 知识不只“数理化"


First, knowledge goes beyond the scope of mathematics, physics, and chemistry.


Before discussing how the Internet bridges the knowledge gap, we should first clarify the definition of knowledge. Indeed, a clear definition is very important. Otherwise, we will just be like a couple in a fight, where two of them have different definitions of the cause of the argument. Usually, the man is talking about "What are my mistakes?", while the woman cares more about the partner’s manner and attitude. In the end, reconciliation can only be reached by the man’s kneeling on the washboard or the keyboard.


So what is the definition of knowledge?


My answer is knowledge goes beyond the scope of mathematics, physics, and chemistry or the scope of literature, history, and philosophy. Knowledge is all-encompassing.


For example, when you watch the Lakers games repeatedly and learn the footsteps from Kobe, don’t you gain sports knowledge? When you watch the videos of Professor Luo Xiang talking about the criminal cases of John Doe on Bilibili, don’t you gain legal knowledge? When you search for and watch the literary, romance, and action movies on the Internet, don’t you gain film knowledge? Well, I guess some of you do not necessarily think that's film knowledge, but some strange knowledge. Whatever, it is knowledge after all.


Thus, we need to be clear that knowledge goes beyond what are examed.


To put it another way, life itself is about facing tests. It will not end as you graduate but comes in different forms. As I mentioned in the previous videos, the most difficult question in the interview, tasks from your managers, places to date, gifts to show your love on Valentine's Day, etc., all of them are tests of life.


Here I‘m going to introduce a "Danny‘s Funnel of Knowledge". In my opinion, many people do not recognize the difference between information, knowledge, and insight. The Funnel has three layers. From the top to the bottom, human thinking goes from shallow to deep:



The first stage is the information. Briefly speaking, everyone can express opinions on the Internet. It requires the human brain to figure out whether these sounds are melodies or noises.


The second stage is knowledge. This refers to the information that has been screened by the human brain and is helpful to you.


The third stage is insight. It is something that you think about every day. The collision of all kinds of knowledge could help you reveal insights.


There is an example to help you understand. The Internet is full of information, including Da Sao roasting bamboo rats at home, otaku dance in the Huanong village, or young ladies eating garlic as fierce as a tiger, etc. Those are at the first stage — information.


Later, you found out that Da Sao is the one who eats garlic like a tiger, and his cooking skills are helpful to you. Here, you have come to the second stage—knowledge.


Let’s go further. Do you always wonder why an Up can get popular? Then you made a DannyData video to analyze the logic behind those successful content creators. That is the third stage— insight. Okay, I will stop praising my videos. You know what I mean.


The Internet is filled with massive amounts of information generated every day, and in this way, it invisibly lowers the threshold for most people to receive information. Through your effective identification and long-term accumulation, the information will become your knowledge or even insights.

02 别让互联网背锅


Okay, we've realized that knowledge is not only about mathematics, physics, and chemistry. Let's move on to the second point: don't let the Internet take the blame. 

我在这里做个预测啊,我估计包括老蒋在内的人会反驳我说: 互联网上充斥着大量的垃圾信息,再加上"千人千面"的个性化推荐,很可能会让普通人接收到越来越多垃圾信息,而牛人接收到更多牛比信息,进而产生更大的鸿沟。

I make a prediction here. I guess most people, including Old Jiang, will refute me by saying: The Internet is full of spam, together with the personalized recommendation system of "different information to different people." And this will probably make ordinary people receive more spam and big shots collect more useful information and finally lead to a more considerable gap.


Whether my prediction is correct or not, please leave me a message after you guys watching the video of Lao Jiang. Let me know whether I am a person who "always prove myself wrong" or "a great prophet."


The Internet is a tool. It is an essential channel for you to gain information, and the Internet has provided a lowered threshold for people to acquire information. People initially obtain knowledge from books, televisions, newspapers, and other inefficient, low real-time, low-interactive ways. Nowadays, people could use the Internet to interconnect with hundreds of people. That allows ordinary people to have the same learning opportunities as the so-called elite groups have. You could take various online open classes from famous schools, which have bridged a lot of knowledge gaps.


If you can't use this tool well, please don't blame the Internet. Don't bully the Internet, for it can't defend itself. Don't let the Internet take the blame. If you are an "airhead" and "unhappy" person, you still should not blame the Internet. There is a lot of content on the Internet that can help you be a "happy" person with "thoughts."


For example, Bilibili provides not only thought-provoking videos such as Li Yongle and Mr. Luo in the study zone but also the pan-cultural videos such as Modern Chinese Life and Kebab andThe Solitary Gourmet.If you have watched the DannyData episode 10 about Bilibili, you will know that Bilibili is definitely not mediocre. Well, I've praised Bilibili to this extent and I wish to receive a thumbs-up from Mr. Chen Rui. That's not too much to ask, is it?


Therefore, if you cannot fill your knowledge gap, the Internet should not be blamed but yourself. You need to improve your learning ability.


How to improve it?


Well, there are many high-quality courses on the Internet, find them out by yourself please. To be honest, I've been benefited from bridging the knowledge gap by the internet.


For example, when I studied accounting, I watched the online videos of Dr.Xiao Xing from Tsinghua University. So, now I have the opportunity to tell you about the financial statements in DannyData videos.


Another example is that I thoroughly understand what is the Prisoner's Dilemma and Nash Equilibrium through Khan Academy because when I studied abroad, I couldn't understand the Indian accent English of the professor who taught game theory.


Of course, I should not blame it all on the professor's Indian accent but on my poor English listening. It’s like you can't blame the internet for not finding some useful knowledge. Improving your ability to search for knowledge is the key. The basic skill is still required, otherwise, you will become the next Dr. Zhai Tianlin who doesn't know the Chinese Google Scholar.

03 如何爽用互联网


Last but not the least, how to use the internet efficiently?


I admit that the internet contains many junk information. Everyone gets used to those fancy new headings that are used to attract people. I even believe that it is sarcastic that there are many articles on teaching readers how to create titles that can achieve “10K+” views.You trick readers into opening your article, and now you are even teaching more people to do the same. 


So how to use the internet effectively and efficiently to help you bridge the knowledge gap? I think there are three rules to follow:


The first rule, improving critical thinking skills.


As early as 1953, Klaus, a scholar of communications, has provided us with the equation of rumors. It constitutes of three elements.

谣言 = 事件重要性✖️事件模糊性✖️公众批判能力负相关

Rumors = Importance of the affair ✖️ Ambiguity of the affair ✖️Public critical thinking


There are many rumors on the internet. As an ordinary netizen, it is hard to influence the first two elements "importance" and "ambiguity" unless you are the leading actor of the rumor. The only component we can work on is the third one, which is critical thinking. Less critical thinking, more rumors. In other words, use the dialectic method to differentiate rumors and facts.


Well, of course, we need to distinguish those who think critically from those keyboard warriors. For example, I used to say "refute as you wish", and I think a good refute is that with supporting evidence and data. Not those who attack me personally like "Danny attracts followers because he is hot, you don't have any insights." Well, if you attack me this way, I would be really happy.


Now let's talk about the second rule: transition from passive learning to self-motive learning.

Tony Buzan和Barry Buzan在著作《思维导图》中有两个模型:

From the book Mind Map by Tony Buzan and Barry Buzan, there are two useful models.



The first model showed us how we used to take in knowledge passively. In other words, what we learn and what we are tested on is decided by school or teacher but not us. So what a student often has to do is passively taking in as much knowledge as possible.


But this kind of learning habit developed at school may not function well after entering the work field, especially as a fresh graduate. Even those straight-A students may feel the same. I will talk about this in the 2nd episode of DannyPal. Anyone interested?



When you enter society, you need to be more initiative in acquiring knowledge. This leads to the second model. Self-motive learning includes learning, thinking, creating, and problem-solving, etc.


Like I've always talked to colleagues in DannyData. Not all problems in your workplace can be found on your exam papers, but those you need to deep dive and find problems to solve. Finding the critical problem is not enough for it’s quite easy to have some opinions. What’s more important is actively finding solutions to the problem.


One of the best ways to solve a problem is to use the internet to gather information, extract out knowledge, think critically, and deeply to innovate the solution, which is insights as I mentioned before. Like Jefferson once said: 


"A new insight inspires another new insight, then the third one, and so on, and so on. After some time, one person will combine those insights together, to produce what is called a new invention.”


Finally, the third point, the anti-personalization recommendation.


Although Lao Jiang and I have a debate today, and what I advocate is that "the Internet has bridged the knowledge gap". And what I am going to say below may be detrimental to my argument, but as a conscientious Up, I still feel obliged to explain it to you. This is because my ultimate goal is not winning the debate but bringing something to you and helping you understand the essence of the problem.


It seems to me that my argument today — the internet has bridged the knowledge gap — is mainly about the Internet bridging the gap between people and knowledge. But the gap Old Jiang refers to is the gap between people, which has been enlarging by the Internet.


What does this mean?


Well, I'm sure no one would doubt that the Internet has helped us gain more information and therefore more knowledge. And this is what I'm talking about: the Internet has bridged the gap between people and knowledge, both for the ordinary person and for the big shots.


However, the amount of knowledge that each person acquires is quite different. The big shots have likely reached a higher level of knowledge through the Internet, while the average people can only get abundant junk information and little knowledge through the Internet. This leads to an increasing gap between people, which is Lao Jiang's argument.

其实“知识鸿沟”定义本身就是由(Knowledge Gap)由三位社会学家Phillip J. Tichenor,C. N. Olien及 G. A. Donohue于1970年提出的:社会经济地位不论高或低,每个人所获取的知识都会随时间而增加,但社会经济地位高的人获取的知识量,却比社会经济地位低的人所获取的多,久而久之,这两群人的知识差距会逐渐扩大、不断增加,这就是知识鸿沟。

The definition of "knowledge gap" itself was proposed in 1970 by three sociologists, Phillip J. Tichenor, C. N. Olien, and G. A. Donohue: the knowledge acquired by everyone, regardless of high or low socioeconomic status, will increase over time, but the amount of knowledge acquired by people with high socioeconomic status is greater than that acquired by people with low socioeconomic status. And over time, the knowledge level difference between these two groups will be gradually exacerbated, and finally, form the knowledge gap. 



It's like in a big wave where everyone's income grows, and the income of real estate companies with money and resources must be growing much faster than poor people like me. And in this way, the gap is enlarged rapidly.


I believe you will be able to understand the difference between my arguments and those of Lao Jiang after reading this "Danny Knowledge Gap Model".


We need to be clear that the dominance of any society is in the hands of minorities, which explains the emergence of the “information cocoon” and “pacifier strategy”, which I mentioned in the previous DannyData video. All kinds of personalized recommendations — if put it in a good way, is called "different information to different people" system or the private customization of AI big data. Otherwise, it just lets you stay in your own information cocoon, sucking on your own pacifier.


Therefore, as ordinary people, we have to learn about "anti-personalize recommendations", we must always tighten a muscle in our head, don't just look at those celebrity products recommended by the e-commerce platforms, or the good-looking people pushed by the video platforms. Always remind yourself that there is so much boring but interesting knowledge on the Internet. It ’s better to watch more videos of DannyData and Lao Jiang. The lives of rich people are so dull. Why not learn some plain knowledge?


Although what I said above might cost me losing the debate,I think I could win a greater victory, and that is your trust.


I think that the common goal of me and Lao Jiang is not to win this debate, but to make the cake of the knowledge zone bigger together. This satisfies our desires for sharing and also let you be inspired at the same time.

谢谢你对我和老蒋的支持,欢迎给我们点赞三连加关注。Techs Never Die,回见。

Thank you for your support to Lao Jiang and me, and welcome to give us your thumbs up and subscribe us. Techs Never Die, see you next time.







资讯标题: 如何用爽互联网,成为知识大V?

资讯来源: 36氪官网






